play false

英 [pleɪ fɔːls] 美 [pleɪ fɔːls]

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  1. The play analysis class met for 90 minutes twice a week. We read two plays a week and we took a 20-question true or false quiz at the beginning of the session that tested little more than whether or not we'd read the play.
  2. The process is less like "replaying a video" than "putting on a play from a script." If the script is wrong for whatever reason, you can have a false memory that is just as vivid as a true one.
  3. Wouldst not play false and yet would wrongly win-Shakespeare.
  4. But local media look much freer than they really are – in part because of the role dupes such as me play in creating a false impression of genuine debate.
  5. A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality.
  6. A good relationship begins with honesty and fair play so do your best not to give false impressions.
  7. Was he the sort of man to be allowed to play her false with impunity?
  8. The purpose of medicine concentrate biding and purchase is to play its economic and public role, to re-duce its false price, thus to mitigate patients 'burden.
  9. All subjects are videotaped for pretend play and measured upon MSCA-CR Verbal Test and standard false belief tasks.
  10. Equilibriums of game show that the selecting mechanism will make the incentive ones difficult to play its roles, and false accounts can't be stopped even manager's income are hooked on the book profit.
  11. Cognitive style and word list play a different influence upon the correct recognition rate of words have learned and the false recognition rate of critic lure.
  12. In ten years of Professional Reform, Chinese football has been brave enough to play the roll "needle of mine," which explore in some markets outside of the system. But under the surface of the false prosperity, Chinese football has lost the direction.
  13. Owing to the fact that different types of actors play different roles in the influence of false advertisements, they should bear different legal liability.



  1. conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end
    1. He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well

    Synonym:    bamboozlesnowhoodwinkpull the wool over someone's eyeslead by the nose